No one needs to be a victim of Domestic Violence.  Domestic Violence can be either physical abuse or emotional abuse and usually result from one partner to a relationship feeling the need to control the other. The parties can be married, but it also includes parties that are living together, or even parties who are…

A restraining order (also called a “protective order”) is a court order that can protect someone from being physically or sexually abused, threatened, stalked, or harassed. A restraining order can include personal conduct orders, stay-away orders, and/or residence exclusion (“kick-out” or “move-out”) orders. The person getting the restraining order is called the “protected person.” The…

Parents always maintain the right to go back to the court to change custody arrangements after their divorce is final. The real question is whether the court will grant a request for modification of your order. Courts do not want to force children to live in a bad situation when their custodial parent’s circumstances change,…





A married couple who are seeking a quick and easier way to get a divorce may choose the method of summary dissolution instead of proceeding with the normal dissolution process. With a summary dissolution, there is no trial or hearing, so you will not have to talk to a judge. However, not everyone may qualify…

當您進入婚姻時,合夥關係自然形成。從結婚那天算起,兩個人之後的收入與購進的財物,就算是婚後的共同財產。 具體包括:房地產、收入、股息紅利、儲蓄、銀行投資帳戶、汽車、金銀珠寶等。由於婚姻合夥人是彼此的受託人,無論該財產署在誰的名下,都屬於共同財產, 除非满足特定的例外情况。

家暴保护令,也稱禁制令(restraining order/ order of protection )。是法官核發的文件,用於規定人與人之間的接觸。它可以保護禁制令持有人免受身體或性方面的虐待,免受威脅、騷擾、跟踪或恐嚇。

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