As family law attorneys, one of our most important tasks is proving our client’s claims of abuse sufficiently enough to persuade the family courts. There are several means to accomplish this, usually in the form of photographs of injuries or property destruction, screenshots of abusive texts or emails, medical records, police reports, and occasionally witness…

Attorneys can be expensive, no way to sugar-coat that. But in addition to expensive, a solid attorney is often invaluable to your interests in a family law case. California law is complex and constantly changing, and the only way to set yourself up for success is to have a team advocating for you who know…

The recent rap rivalry between Drake and Kendrick Lamar has social media and the music industry buzzing with allegations of family dysfunction, secret children, and “deadbeat” parents. As family law attorneys based in the entertainment and technology hub of California, we know that fame and fortune can turn private matters into fodder for tabloids and internet…

Unfortunately, an ugly truth of divorce is that the actions of a dishonest spouse can make the impending end of a marriage even more stressful than it already is. The California Code of Civil Procedure is very clear that married persons have a fiduciary duty to one another and that both divorcing parties, with very…

On January 16, 2024, CBS News reported that the body of 40-year old Yingying “Dawn” Yu, reported missing on January 8, 2024, may have been found in the Santa Cruz mountains. Her husband has since been arrested in connection with her murder. Obviously, California is no exception to the known epidemic of domestic violence taking place…

Most clients of our law firm are first-generation immigrants from China. In China, couples go to the same office for marriage certificates as well as divorce papers. However, that is not the case in the United States. A bewildered client once asked me: “To get married here, I need to go to the county’s office, but I cannot get a divorce at the same office?” In the U.S., if a couple wants a divorce, they must go to the court pursuant to the Family Code of each state.

原创 Joanne Zhou律师 湾区日常法律故事 大家久等了!这是本系列的第三篇文章。前两篇请参考这里:


很多人说,疫情期间最忙的就是婚姻律师。最近,我们联合位于硅谷圣荷西运营自己律所的资深家庭法律师Joanne Zhou一起合作这个专栏,为大家普及一下加州家庭法的一些基本知识。我的读者们大多身在美国,婚姻法的知识包括离婚、财产、抚养权等等,都是与大家的生活息息相关的。无论用到用不到,心里有数总是好的。

Our attorneys at The Zhou Law Group have extensive experience handling theft cases and a long record of Successful Results. Should you or a loved one be faced with theft charges and wish to minimize your consequences to the fullest extent possible contact The Zhou Law Group at (408) 289-9688  immediately.

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