Divorce is an emotional time in any one’s life. Two of the major issues to consider in the divorce process are the issues of child visitation and child support. Child Support, in California, is based on a set “schedule” and the courts attempt to make it entirely based on the income of both parties, but we can help you to state your income so that you are treated fairly by the court, and if you are seeking support, we can make sure that the other party is not manipulating the system to understate his income.

Further, the system often places too much emphasis on child support level and enforcement, and too little on getting the non-custodial patent involved in their children’s lives. There is a great deal of evidence that shared parenting helps to offset the negative effects of divorce on children and it is very important for them to have quality time with both mom and dad. We at the Zhou Law Group strive to see that our clients pay a fair support that meets their children’s needs and at the same time we strive to see that the children maximize their time with both parents. We want to help you get through this trying time.

If you are contemplating a divorce, have been served with a divorce, or just want to know your rights in the event of a divorce, call the Zhou Law Group, A Professional Corporation, where we will provide you with a free half hour consultation. Please contact our office at (408) 289-9688 and/or visit our website at www.sanjoseattorneys.com to schedule your free half hour consultation.
