International Divorce Jurisdiction

International Divorce Jurisdiction

There are jurisdictional issues you must be aware of when filing a divorce in California, especially here in Silicon Valley.  The first thing to know before discussing international jurisdiction, is whether the courts here have personal and subject matter jurisdiction over the issues. When filing for divorce here in Silicon Valley, one of the parties must reside in California for at least 6 months and live in Santa Clara County for at least 3 months.  If one does not qualify to file their divorce in Santa Clara County, then our offices can assist you in filing a petition for legal separation first, we can then initiate child support, spousal support, etc. in this county and convert your case to a divorce once you have established the required residency.  For further inquiry, please contact our offices for assistance in this matter.

Also, if the other party resides in a foreign county who is a member of the Hague Convention, then we have to go through the central authority of the country for service of process.  We can handle this for you, but this process can be very time consuming.  If the other party is agreeable to the service for process in California and is willing to cooperate, then our offices can help you with the divorce proceedings with a minimum of delay.  Please contact our offices for further information. We would be happy to assist you with your legal matters.  We can be reached at Tel: (408) 289-9688

CategoryDivorce, English