

當您進入婚姻時,合夥關係自然形成。從結婚那天算起,兩個人之後的收入與購進的財物,就算是婚後的共同財產。 具體包括:房地產、收入、股息紅利、儲蓄、銀行投資帳戶、汽車、金銀珠寶等。由於婚姻合夥人是彼此的受託人,無論該財產署在誰的名下,都屬於共同財產, 除非满足特定的例外情况。


Same-Sex Marital Partners face a number of issues, as many countries do not allow or do not recognize Same-Sex Marriage. Those countries who neither permit nor recognize Same Sex Marriage, often do not permit Same-Sex Marital Partners to use their court systems to obtain divorces either. However, the State of California has laws to facilitate…

When going through a divorce, it is important that you know how to properly identify your assets. When you enter a marriage, a partnership is formed and the partnership has the right to the earnings from the services of each partner.  All property possessed by the parties to a marriage are presumed to be community…


The “marital home” is the house you share with your current spouse and family. Who gets the house depends on whether the house is joint property or community property.  In California, there is a presumption that property acquired during the marriage is “community property,” which means the property is owned by both spouses equally (unless…

Financial issues involved in a divorce, especially high net worth cases, can often become rather complicated.  Unreported income and hidden assets are often alleged in divorce proceedings, usually by the spouse who is either not running a business or has not been in charge of the family finances. It is not uncommon for a spouse…

Many problems arise in the course of a dissolution of marriage from the characterization of gifts from parents and family members. Gifts to you only are not community property, but all property owned by marital partners is presumed to be community property. So if you are about to purchase a house, for example, and your…

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